Monday, October 19, 2009
Our friends are like angelsWho brighten our daysIn all kinds of wonderfulMagical waysTheir thoughtfulness comesAs a gift from aboveAnd we feel we're surroundedBy warm, caring loveLike upside-down rainbowsTheir smiles bring the sunAnd they fill ho-hum momentsWith laughter and funFriends are like angelsWithout any wingsBlessing our livesWith the most precious things ...
Daily Word — Monday, October 19, 2009
Pray for Others
The light of God expresses perfectly as me and as you.
I love to be of help, but sometimes I may feel powerless to help a loved one who is going through a difficult challenge. In those times, the greatest gift I can give is to see the truth of who my dear one is, a perfect expression of the light of God.
In my prayers, I close my eyes to appearances and perceive with the faith that is within me. I see my loved one as an expression of perfect life that provides healing energy to the mind, body and soul. My beloved is open and receptive to the wisdom of God within, which whispers the answer to every question and provides the supply for every need.
This is the truth about my loved ones and me, and about every being on the planet.
"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'"--Mark 2:5
Pray for Others
The light of God expresses perfectly as me and as you.
I love to be of help, but sometimes I may feel powerless to help a loved one who is going through a difficult challenge. In those times, the greatest gift I can give is to see the truth of who my dear one is, a perfect expression of the light of God.
In my prayers, I close my eyes to appearances and perceive with the faith that is within me. I see my loved one as an expression of perfect life that provides healing energy to the mind, body and soul. My beloved is open and receptive to the wisdom of God within, which whispers the answer to every question and provides the supply for every need.
This is the truth about my loved ones and me, and about every being on the planet.
"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'"--Mark 2:5
Daily Word
Daily Word — Monday, October 19, 2009
Pray for Others
The light of God expresses perfectly as me and as you.
I love to be of help, but sometimes I may feel powerless to help a loved one who is going through a difficult challenge. In those times, the greatest gift I can give is to see the truth of who my dear one is, a perfect expression of the light of God.
In my prayers, I close my eyes to appearances and perceive with the faith that is within me. I see my loved one as an expression of perfect life that provides healing energy to the mind, body and soul. My beloved is open and receptive to the wisdom of God within, which whispers the answer to every question and provides the supply for every need.
This is the truth about my loved ones and me, and about every being on the planet.
"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'"--Mark 2:5
Pray for Others
The light of God expresses perfectly as me and as you.
I love to be of help, but sometimes I may feel powerless to help a loved one who is going through a difficult challenge. In those times, the greatest gift I can give is to see the truth of who my dear one is, a perfect expression of the light of God.
In my prayers, I close my eyes to appearances and perceive with the faith that is within me. I see my loved one as an expression of perfect life that provides healing energy to the mind, body and soul. My beloved is open and receptive to the wisdom of God within, which whispers the answer to every question and provides the supply for every need.
This is the truth about my loved ones and me, and about every being on the planet.
"When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'"--Mark 2:5
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Daily Word — Sunday, May 10, 2009
Blessing Mothers
Bless you, Mothers, for being expressions of divine love and caring.
With love and gratitude, I offer my blessing for all mothers today.
"Bless you for your expressions of warmth: for hugs, caring, laughter, and understanding--and for the freshly baked cookies that brought us together in shared moments of comfort and joy.
"Bless you for expressions of respect: honoring our own traditions, valuing humanity in all its array, teaching lessons of generous giving and open receiving, being not just tolerant, but understanding of and for diversity.
"Bless you for steadfast influence. Should we be together now or be connected through indelible memories, I am grateful to you for your enduring love. Whether you are my mother through birth or have been honored with this role through life's circumstances, we are blessed to be family."
"The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living."--Genesis 3:20
Blessing Mothers
Bless you, Mothers, for being expressions of divine love and caring.
With love and gratitude, I offer my blessing for all mothers today.
"Bless you for your expressions of warmth: for hugs, caring, laughter, and understanding--and for the freshly baked cookies that brought us together in shared moments of comfort and joy.
"Bless you for expressions of respect: honoring our own traditions, valuing humanity in all its array, teaching lessons of generous giving and open receiving, being not just tolerant, but understanding of and for diversity.
"Bless you for steadfast influence. Should we be together now or be connected through indelible memories, I am grateful to you for your enduring love. Whether you are my mother through birth or have been honored with this role through life's circumstances, we are blessed to be family."
"The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living."--Genesis 3:20
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Daily Word — Sunday, April 5, 2009 GuidanceThe Christ Light guides me on a path of renewal and discovery.Quiet moments of prayer attune me to the Christ Light within me. Here is where I make a conscious and focused connection with divine wisdom--unlimited understanding that guides me steadily on the right path in all circumstances. And if at any time I feel uncertain because my life is not moving along in the way I had expected, I refocus my attention from what I think could be wrong to the good that is revealed by the light of Christ. As this inner light shines through my heart and mind, I discover new possibilities for good. In an awareness of the Christ Light, I have clarity of mind and heart, of intention and decision. I walk in that light, confident and poised on a path of renewal and discovery. "So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna!'"--John 12:13
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Daily Word — Saturday, April 4, 2009 Home BlessingMy home is a sanctuary of love and understanding.Home is where the heart is--a place where family, friends, and visitors share from hearts of love. The place where we live becomes a home when we fill it with love. We do this by being love that builds up and supports, understands and is compassionate, forgives and accepts forgiveness. We do this and even more as we live from the love of God within our hearts. Selling or buying a home, or coming together as a new family, we consecrate each room as a place where love abides and each person as an expression of love. Homes are built one brick, block, and board at time. With our homes as sanctuaries of love and understanding, our relationships are built one loving thought, word, and action at a time. "Jesus answered him, 'Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.'"--John 14:23

Monday, January 5, 2009
Daily Word — Monday, January 5, 2009 GuidanceI enter this new year with confidence, knowing that God lights my way.In times of change or even turmoil, I may examine my plans or reexamine myself, wondering, Why is this happening? What can I do? What's next? Placing all wondering and questioning aside, I realize that divine wisdom is always present to illumine my way. In prayerful meditation, I obtain a serene balance between questions and solutions. I acknowledge the peace within that soothes my soul. I feel the calm assurance of divine insight and the tranquility of trust in outcomes. God is always here. Whether or not the details are obvious to me, I am ready to move forward confidently with my plans and understanding. I anticipate the known and trust in God for the unknown. "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth."--Psalm 67:1-2
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